Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Wow how the time is flying by. . . . I cant believe we are already into February. Today I am sharing a photo of my scrap space. It is so nice to have a place to be able to scrap whenever you want. Bob and I re-did this room ourselves. It was originally his office/guitar room before me, but now its "our" office and my scrap room. We laid the laminate wood flooring down and painted (it needed it bad- it was bright blue with a huge gold sun on the wall) and we put in the counter tops and cupboards too. It turned out great. I am happy with the results. Tonight my friend Lindsey is coming over to scrap with me. I cant wait. It will be a blast.

1 comment:

Lovely gd Cee said...

okay........ i am very jealous. my space is nothing like this. i wish mine is like yours:) cool and stuff.
