Monday, January 5, 2009

{5} - Melissa Monday

Well today is Monday. In my Grandmothers words it would be her "Melissa Monday". Every Monday for gosh.... I would say over four years now, I have been driving to Lewistown to do my Grams hair. She lives in an assisted living home there. I look forward every week to our time together, because one day I wont have that time. Our time is always special! She has always made my life bright! I have many memories with my dear Gram! She is 85 years old, and doing considerably good! She has good days and bad, but heck I'm only 28 and have those days myself! Someone once told me that they wished they had a picture of their Grandmothers hands and told me to take one if I had a chance. I have several now! I have taken lots of pictures of my Gram over the years. She is one of the sweetest women you could ever meet, and I am so fortunate to have her in my life!


mehmkefar said...

What lovely photos! Your grandma is gorgeous and these are such a beautiful tribute to her.

Jenn W. said...

Your hand photo is beautiful~so glad to see you are sticking to your Picture of the Day!
