Monday, December 1, 2008


Holy cow I haven't posted in a while on my crafty blog! And its not because I haven't done anything. I have several projects that need posting. The above picture is a class that I recently took- about recording and recalling stories for scrapbooking, blogging, journaling, etc. The class ended up with a surprise and ended up going an extra week. It was great and I still have some homework that I would like to finish up. I will post pictures of the album I made in a couple days. Also to explain**Blog-itis**** I just made up this term. I think I have been out in Blog land and have ended up with this condition. I seem to start by thinking about updating my/our blogs, and somehow I end up blog hopping around to many other fun blogs. So it seems I am fully addicted and have blog-itis!!!! Oh I also need to update my favorites. I have found some great scrapbooking blogs out there while I have been searching around and would love to share!

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