Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Stanford . . . . . . . . so many words to describe our little hometown. Some good and some bad, but you will have that everywhere I suppose. This little town of around 500 population is a Class C school located in the middle of Montana. This is where I was raised, educated, established friendships, and grew into the person who I am today. This road has not been easy. It has had sorrow and heartaches, but yet many good memories filled with laughter and love. I remember the day I graduated in 99 with my class of 15 students and so glad to be on my way out of town heading for new adventure. But one thing I remember my dad saying is "never say never". With that referring to "I am never moving back here". Well if I knew what laid ahead for me I guess I should of never said it. Years later, after the education and time on my own I found myself moving back, buying a home and opening a business. Wowza. . . . but everything happens for a reason and all the steps had to fall in that order for me to find myself and to find the man of my dreams. All here in Stanford Montana!

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