Sunday, February 1, 2009


How was everybodys superbowl? Ours was great. We had friends over for a superbowl party. Most of us were rooting for the Cardinals and a few for the Steelers. Glad the game got interesting towards the end because it made it more fun as we were rooting against each other. I enjoy having people over, gives us a chance to visit, but also gives me a reason to bake fun stuff too. I made a few new dips, and even some sweet treats. Jager even enjoyed the game. She had her 3D glasses on to watch at the end of the second quarter. The grocery store was handing these out today and had I known that everybody thought these were so cool, I would of got more. I thought 8 would be plenty but I should of got about 8 more. Oops. Hopefully my team will do something next year. Go Chiefs!

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